Establishing the most reliable level of interoperability among DALI devices is the key to a successful business for the manufacturers of DALI components in the future. That's why we offer the conducting of the normative test procedures according to DALI standards.
We carry testing procedures for Edition1 and Edition2 with the official test system ProbitLab.
(Browse below for a list of available test sequences and pricing).
IEC62386-102 ed1
IEC62386-201 ed1
IEC62386-202 ed1
IEC62386-203 ed1
IEC62386-204 ed1
IEC62386-205 ed1
IEC62386-206 ed1
IEC62386-207 ed1
IEC62386-208 ed1
IEC62386-101 ed2
IEC62386-102 ed2
IEC62386-103 ed2
IEC62386-207 ed2
IEC62386-208 ed2
IEC62386-209 ed2
IEC62386-250 ed2
IEC62386-251 ed2
IEC62386-252 ed2
IEC62386-253 ed2
IEC62386-301 ed2
IEC62386-302 ed2
IEC62386-303 ed2
IEC62386-304 ed2
IEC62386-351 ed2
DALI testing: $500 USD each time
Guidance for test findings: $400 USD each time
For customers who are looking to be DALI-certified, we also offer consulting sessions based on the results of test findings. Test findings will be presented in the form of .XML files, which will include a testing report with error analyses, normative references and other recommendations.